1) Scout all players before selecting a target. Picking the right target to attack is perhaps the most important part of winning the game. Picking the right target will always be better than randomly attacking whoever you bump into. Generally look for the stronger players, or those who are gathering the most resources (even look for the other players who actively scout the map). Scouting will also let you know what units to build in order to kill your target. I tend to scout the entire map every few minutes, the player who represents your largest threat will change from time to time. Don't scout once, and then assume nothing changed. If you scout and see something, keep it to yourself. Giving away info on what every player in the game is up to only draws attention to yourself.
2) Look for players who are likely to attack you. This might be because they don't do their own scouting. They might be new to FFAs and they do not understand rule #1. This means once the player sees you, they will focus on you until one of you is dead. Take care of players who target you directly and try to stay away from "agroing" more players. Sometimes you need to weigh one player who is targeting you vs. another player who has 6 gold mines and is kicking butt (rule #1). Sometimes, you should ignore the player attacking you and go for the stronger guy. Guessing how players will attack you will help you decide on what your next move should be.
For instance it might not a good idea to engage player 3, when you know that the player 2 keeps sending an army to your base every 5 minutes.
Engage in battles in the open while creeping, but generally it's not a good idea to engage another player's base unless you can take them out of the game. This is really tied to rule #1. Hero harassing works great in Team and Solo
games, but can be bad in FFA's. Hero harassing is unlikely to kill a player, but it will tend to force that player to focus on you. That player will see you as their top threat and will think they need to take care of YOU before moving on to someone else. If you hero harass a player, that pretty much means you and the other player will be fighting for the next 20 minutes while everyone else in the game clears the map of creeps, tech, and expand. If a 3rd player engages your base while you fight your neighbor then its likely you will lose the game. This doesn't mean teaming was involved by any of the players, it's just that you picked an enemy right off and then couldn't handle it when a 3rd player got involved. Sometimes that 3rd player will engage your opponent, sometimes they will engage you. These 3rd player attacks are all semi random (you can still semi predict what will happen by looking at the map position and looking at how aggressively each opponent plays). Scouting is key here, otherwise you leave the outcome of the game to chance based on whether the 3rd player attacks you or someone else. You will win many more games if you can see these attacks coming 10 minutes before they happen.
It's better to wait and see what happens, then make your move. If you are overly aggressive to many players, you will lose most of your games.
If you really want to hero harass, it's a better idea to do a full out rush and eliminate the player. While rushing can also screw you as a 3rd player might be teching, it's generally a better option than just hero harassing. Many players just "guess", that hero harassing will work on the guy next to them, and when they start harassing they find out the player next to them can handle it just fine. The problem is that the player who did the harassing is now that in a bad position as they have "Agrod" a player and didn't gain any benefit from it.
3) Watch your upkeep. In solo, it's a good idea to go to into high upkeep and win due to the number of units. Be very careful in FFA's with high upkeep. While going to 100 units and killing all the other players tends to work on the low end of the FFA ladder, it doesn't work vs. good FFA players. If you stay in high upkeep you will run out of gold. FFA games can last an hour or longer, and you need to plan on having resources for the length of the game. Usually if a player stays in high upkeep and if they lose their army and expansion they will not come back from the game. Spending time at 80 food + multiple expansions will give you more gold, which will give you more options during those times where you get attacked by multiple players at the same time (it happens to us all, so its just a matter of being ready for it). Go to 100 food when you need to, but the second you find yourself just standing around, kill off your own units and drop to 80.
You can stay at 100 food in an FFA game with 3 or more expansions. This can be bad, because any player who scouts will see all these expansions and see you as a threat even though you don't have the gold of 3 expansions. Not only that but it takes 15 food to gather from 3 mines, and the only difference between low and high upkeep is 20 units. So if you have to spend 10 extra units to mine. This leaves with 10 extra food which isn't all that much.
4) Always have a TP scroll handy; buy a few of them. This allows you to react easier. If you get attacked by player 3 while you are attacking player 2 a TP scroll can help you fight both armies. TP scrolls will allow you to port around a large map and defend if you need to.
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